Popular Atlanta-based magazine, Home and You, featured Filmmaker/Actress Cassandra Hollis in its Special Black History edition,"Born In Slavery: The Untold Stories", February 2007. In the feature article on page 22, "Filmmaker Dedicates DVD Series to the Underground Railroad," Cassandra talks to Xina Sy about her experiences writing, producing, directing and starring in the nationally recognized dvd series, "Mattie, Johnny and Smooth White Stones: Parts I, II & III."
Download the article here: C%3A%5CMy%20Documents%5CHome%20%26%20You%20article.pdf
Also, check out the March 2007 edition of Black Enterprise magazine. Cassandra wrote a Letter to the Editor commending the magazine for its December 2006 feature, "Reel Prophets" about Black Hollywood and they published the letter in the March issue, "Top 50 Hollywood Power Brokers"!
You will find her "shout out" on page 20...Hooray for Hollywood..and Holy Hill!